- SharadJoshi
- Agriculturist/Farmer: An articulate spokesman of the new Farmers’ Movement. Founder of Shetkari Sanghatana Peasants' Organisation in Maharashtra and at national level, of the Kisan Coordination Committee (KCC) comprising of sister organizations from 14 States. Led a number of mass agitations in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana etc. for remunerative prices of onions, sugar cane, tobacco, milk, paddy, cotton, against hike in electricity tariffs, for liquidation of rural debts and against State dumping in domestic markets. Original and persistant propounder of the postulate that the Government imposed negative subsidies on farmers as a matter of deliberate policy which has, since, been vindicated.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sharad Joshi
Agriculturist/Farmer: An articulate spokesman of the new Farmers’ Movement. Founder of Shetkari Sanghatana Peasants' Organisation in Maharashtra and at national level, of the Kisan Coordination Committee (KCC) comprising of sister organizations from 14 States. Led a number of mass agitations in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana etc. for remunerative prices of onions, sugar cane, tobacco, milk, paddy, cotton, against hike in electricity tariffs, for liquidation of rural debts and against State dumping in domestic markets. Original and persistant propounder of the postulate that the Government imposed negative subsidies on farmers as a matter of deliberate policy which has, since, been vindicated.
Economist: Lecturer in Economics and Statistics, University of Poona, 1957-58. Opposed to all subsidies and militates towards non-intervention by the State in the Economy, particularly in the commodity markets.
Economist: Lecturer in Economics and Statistics, University of Poona, 1957-58. Opposed to all subsidies and militates towards non-intervention by the State in the Economy, particularly in the commodity markets.
Writer/Journalist: An accomplished writer and scholar. Member of the Hindi Salahakar Samiti, Rajya Sabha Secretariat. Author of several books in Marathi, Hindi and English. Columnist in The Times of India, The Hindu, Lokmat, the Hindu Business Line and severel other dailies in Marathi etc.
May 2008 onwards Member, Committee on Public Undertakings
February 2007 onwards Member, Expert Committee on Futures Markets
May 2006 onwards Member, Indian Council of Agricultural Research Society
December 2005 onwards Member, Committee on Rules
October 2005 onwards Permanent Special Invitee, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
2005 onwards Member, Parliamentary Forum on Water Conservation and Management
August 2005 onwards Member, National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils Development (NOVOD) Board Sept.
July 2005 onwards Member, Hindi Salahakar Samiti, Rajya Sabha Secretariat
May 2005 - April 2008 Member, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
October 2004 onwards Member, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
August 2004 onwards Member, Committee on Agriculture
July 2004 elected to Rajya Sabha
2000-01 Chairman, Task Force on Agriculture (rank of Cabinet Minister)
1989-91 Chairman, Standing Advisory Committee on Agriculture (rank of Cabinet Minister)
The Indian Postal Service as Class I Officer, 1958-67
Lecturer in Economics, College of Commerce, Kolhapur, Pune University, 1957-58
Undertook Narmada Parikrama to understand problems of displaced farmers in Narmada Valley
Initiated and implemented programmes to generate awareness in Narmada region and sensitize them for creating pro-dam environment
Involved in massive social exercise to educate farmers on benefits derived after signing the WTO
Been working towards creating an amicable social mindset for women's share in properties in Maharashtra
Awards & FelicitationsØ C. E. Randle Gold Medal for Banking in B. Com. Examination, 1955
Ø Kursetjee Dady Prize for the thesis "River Valley Projects and their consequences for the economic development of India", 1957
Ø Shetakari Sanghatana, a farmers' organization in Maharashtra in 1978
Ø Shetakari Mahila Aghadi, a women farmers' organization which is a leading movement for womens' property rights and
Ø Kissan Coordination Committee, the only national umbrella organisation of farmers
Founder & National PresidentØ Swatantra Bharat Paksha - the only liberal party and successor of C. Rajagopalachari's Swatantra Party; led several agitations for remunerative prices of farm/agriculture produce, fair electricity tariffs and write-off of loans
Ø Advisory Board, World Agriculture Forum, U.S.A. since 1999
Ø Parliamentary Committee on the Restoration of Democracy in Myanmar
Ø Governing Body of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Ø Steering Committee of the GEF-World Bank Project on Capacity Building on Bio Safety
Ø Parliamentary Network on the World Bank, the Indian National Group
Ø Advisory Committee on the Use of Hindi in the Department of Posts
Ø District Telephone Advisory Committee, Pune District, Maharashtra
Ø Railway Zonal Advisory Committee of the Central Railways
Ø Chef de service d'informatique, International Bureau Universal Postal Union, Bern, 1968-77
In Marathi
Ø Swatantrya Ka Nasley, 1998, originally in Marathi and translated into Hindi - Azadi Nakam Kyon Rahi, 2001
Ø Beijing Parishadecha Arth Ani Ishara, 1996
Ø Maharashtra Shasanache Mahila Dhoran : Dalbhadri Chindhi, 1994,
Ø Rashtriya Krishi Niti, 1991
Ø Jatiyavadacha Bhasmasur, 1989
Ø Shetakryancha Raja Shivaji, 1988
Ø Shetkari Kamgar Paksha - Ek Avalokan, 1987
Ø Chandvadachi Shedori, 1986
Ø Prachalit Arthvyavasthevar Nava Prakash-Part I, 1982
Ø Prachalit Arthvyavasthevar Nava Prakash-Part II, 1985
Ø Bheek Nako, Have Ghamache Daam, 1984
Ø Shetakaryacha Asood - Shatakacha Mujara, 1984
Ø Shetkari Sanghataneche Arthshastra - Khandan Mandan, 1983
Ø Bharatiya Shetichi Paradhinata, 1982
Ø Shetkari Sanghatana - Vichar Aani Karypaddhatti, 1982, with translations in Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada and Telugu
In HindiØ Samasyayen Bharat Ki, 1988
In English
Ø Answering before God, 1994
Ø Bharat Eye-view, 1988
Ø The Womens' Question, 1986
Ø Bharat Speaks Out, 1985
SPORTS, CLUBS, FAVOURITE PASSTIMES AND RECREATIONTrekking and mountaineering; scaling peaks and going for long walks
COUNTRIES VISITEDSwitzerland as member of an Indian delegation to the Council of Universal Postal Union, 1956-57
U.S.A., Canada, Netherlands, Kenya, Thailand and Zambia as representative of the Universal Postal Union to attend meetings of Inter-Organization Administrative Committee of U. N. Specialized Institutions, 1961-68 and as member of Universal Postal Union Missions to various countries, 1968-77
Malaysia, as representative of Indian farmers' movement, 1988-89
U.S.A., as member of International Advisory Board, World Agriculture Forum and World Agriculture Congress, 1999 and 2001-03
M. Com., Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai
Diploma in Informatics, Lausanne, Switzerland
Father's Name: Shri Anantrao
Mother's Name: Shrimati Indirabai
Date of Birth: 3 September, 1935
Place of Birth: Distt. Satara (Maharashtra)
Marital Status: Married on 25 June, 1961
Spouse's Name: Late Shrimati Leela
Children: Two daughters
Permanent Address: Angarmala, Village Ambethan, Taluka Khed, District- Pune, Maharashtra. Tel. – (02135) 278721
Website: <http://www.shetkari.in/>
E-mail : sharadjoshi.mah@gmail.comMay 2008 onwards Member, Committee on Public Undertakings
February 2007 onwards Member, Expert Committee on Futures Markets
May 2006 onwards Member, Indian Council of Agricultural Research Society
December 2005 onwards Member, Committee on Rules
October 2005 onwards Permanent Special Invitee, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
2005 onwards Member, Parliamentary Forum on Water Conservation and Management
August 2005 onwards Member, National Oilseeds and Vegetable Oils Development (NOVOD) Board Sept.
July 2005 onwards Member, Hindi Salahakar Samiti, Rajya Sabha Secretariat
May 2005 - April 2008 Member, Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
October 2004 onwards Member, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
August 2004 onwards Member, Committee on Agriculture
July 2004 elected to Rajya Sabha
2000-01 Chairman, Task Force on Agriculture (rank of Cabinet Minister)
1989-91 Chairman, Standing Advisory Committee on Agriculture (rank of Cabinet Minister)
The Indian Postal Service as Class I Officer, 1958-67
Lecturer in Economics, College of Commerce, Kolhapur, Pune University, 1957-58
Undertook Narmada Parikrama to understand problems of displaced farmers in Narmada Valley
Initiated and implemented programmes to generate awareness in Narmada region and sensitize them for creating pro-dam environment
Involved in massive social exercise to educate farmers on benefits derived after signing the WTO
Been working towards creating an amicable social mindset for women's share in properties in Maharashtra
Awards & FelicitationsØ C. E. Randle Gold Medal for Banking in B. Com. Examination, 1955
Ø Kursetjee Dady Prize for the thesis "River Valley Projects and their consequences for the economic development of India", 1957
Ø Shetakari Sanghatana, a farmers' organization in Maharashtra in 1978
Ø Shetakari Mahila Aghadi, a women farmers' organization which is a leading movement for womens' property rights and
Ø Kissan Coordination Committee, the only national umbrella organisation of farmers
Founder & National PresidentØ Swatantra Bharat Paksha - the only liberal party and successor of C. Rajagopalachari's Swatantra Party; led several agitations for remunerative prices of farm/agriculture produce, fair electricity tariffs and write-off of loans
Ø Advisory Board, World Agriculture Forum, U.S.A. since 1999
Ø Parliamentary Committee on the Restoration of Democracy in Myanmar
Ø Governing Body of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Ø Steering Committee of the GEF-World Bank Project on Capacity Building on Bio Safety
Ø Parliamentary Network on the World Bank, the Indian National Group
Ø Advisory Committee on the Use of Hindi in the Department of Posts
Ø District Telephone Advisory Committee, Pune District, Maharashtra
Ø Railway Zonal Advisory Committee of the Central Railways
Ø Chef de service d'informatique, International Bureau Universal Postal Union, Bern, 1968-77
In Marathi
Ø Swatantrya Ka Nasley, 1998, originally in Marathi and translated into Hindi - Azadi Nakam Kyon Rahi, 2001
Ø Beijing Parishadecha Arth Ani Ishara, 1996
Ø Maharashtra Shasanache Mahila Dhoran : Dalbhadri Chindhi, 1994,
Ø Rashtriya Krishi Niti, 1991
Ø Jatiyavadacha Bhasmasur, 1989
Ø Shetakryancha Raja Shivaji, 1988
Ø Shetkari Kamgar Paksha - Ek Avalokan, 1987
Ø Chandvadachi Shedori, 1986
Ø Prachalit Arthvyavasthevar Nava Prakash-Part I, 1982
Ø Prachalit Arthvyavasthevar Nava Prakash-Part II, 1985
Ø Bheek Nako, Have Ghamache Daam, 1984
Ø Shetakaryacha Asood - Shatakacha Mujara, 1984
Ø Shetkari Sanghataneche Arthshastra - Khandan Mandan, 1983
Ø Bharatiya Shetichi Paradhinata, 1982
Ø Shetkari Sanghatana - Vichar Aani Karypaddhatti, 1982, with translations in Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada and Telugu
In HindiØ Samasyayen Bharat Ki, 1988
In English
Ø Answering before God, 1994
Ø Bharat Eye-view, 1988
Ø The Womens' Question, 1986
Ø Bharat Speaks Out, 1985
SPORTS, CLUBS, FAVOURITE PASSTIMES AND RECREATIONTrekking and mountaineering; scaling peaks and going for long walks
COUNTRIES VISITEDSwitzerland as member of an Indian delegation to the Council of Universal Postal Union, 1956-57
U.S.A., Canada, Netherlands, Kenya, Thailand and Zambia as representative of the Universal Postal Union to attend meetings of Inter-Organization Administrative Committee of U. N. Specialized Institutions, 1961-68 and as member of Universal Postal Union Missions to various countries, 1968-77
Malaysia, as representative of Indian farmers' movement, 1988-89
U.S.A., as member of International Advisory Board, World Agriculture Forum and World Agriculture Congress, 1999 and 2001-03
M. Com., Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai
Diploma in Informatics, Lausanne, Switzerland
Father's Name: Shri Anantrao
Mother's Name: Shrimati Indirabai
Date of Birth: 3 September, 1935
Place of Birth: Distt. Satara (Maharashtra)
Marital Status: Married on 25 June, 1961
Spouse's Name: Late Shrimati Leela
Children: Two daughters
Permanent Address: Angarmala, Village Ambethan, Taluka Khed, District- Pune, Maharashtra. Tel. – (02135) 278721
Website: <http://www.shetkari.in/>
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